Monday, January 7, 2013

Blog 365

    • Dearest Readers, 

      I know I haven't written in a long time (a long, long time) and there are reasons which I'll get deeper into very soon. You should know, however that I've been reading your emails and facebook messages and tweets, and they've kept me going this whole time. I wanted to start this 365 days of writing off with some "fan mail" that really meant a lot to me. 

      Warning: You may not approve of this message...


      You're not funny anymore. I am taking you off my newsfeed. I read your blog and at first, it was the adventurers of your dating life, now it seems like your quest to complete yourself with a man. Find happiness in yourself. You could be missing out on chances and opportunities if you focus on being completed by another person. Best of luck to you,


      Not to worry, I wrote her back!
    • Dear Beth, 

      You are of course completely entitled to read me or not, although I always appreciate new (and old) followers. Thank you for writing to me with your reasons behind not wanting to read any more, but my life isn't incomplete without a man. I have an amazing family, the best friends a girl could hope to have, a fab job that I love, and I get to pursue some of my favorite passions. Why go on all these dates? To meet someone I could share all those things with. Having a partner, a *real* partner to love and share my life with, as happy as I am, would make me even happier, and my life so much more full. It's not my other half I'm looking for. It's another whole person who appreciates me, teaches me new things, enhances my world just by being in it. I've been through a lot, as so many women have, and the goal has always been to share my stories with all of you - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Some dates are hilariously funny, some days are full of heartbreak. The point is that I don't hide any of it in the hopes that someone can relate to something I write. Maybe it's a guy offering to pay for a hotel room after one drink. Maybe it's the fear of never being a mother. But it's all there and it's all my life.  

      Love and light, Kimberly

      And yet, I get emails (like the following) from readers (like you) on a daily basis. May I just start by saying Thank You.

      --- First of all, I love your blog and your writing! There were many nights that I just needed a laugh, and at your expense, I got it :) I know you’ll get your happy ending. You deserve it. Love, Amy

      --- Hi, I’ve been waiting on your blog... but no new posts?  I want you to know it makes me feel better though when I read your story.  To know I’m not the only woman going through reject men like this. Yours, Kim in Texas

      --- I just wanted to say thanks. I've been reading your blog all day and cracking up!! Thank you so much for writing these and sharing them! It's been an emotional week but your blog is all I seemed to need to make things better! Thanks again and can not wait for new posts!!! ~Shannon

      --- I just want to let you know how much I appreciate you and your honesty. Reading your blog I no longer feel alone. I know that I am not the only strong woman that struggles with the same daily bullshit of con artist ex boyfriends and horrible dates. Keep on being true to yourself. You have a fan for life in me. Randi

      I know that I'm not always funny (though there's more of that coming up!) but I am always honest and I always write from the heart. My humor has helped me get through a lot of crazy stuff this past year, and I hope that it's helped some of you as well. Thank You to everyone who has written to me, commented on my Facebook page, tweeted me, listened to me, and come to see my show. You are all collectively the reason I feel strong enough to start this blog again, and turn it into something AMAZING!!! As of now, I will be posting every day. Did you hear that Coffee Lovers??? EVERY DAY!!! 2013 will be our Year Of Love. I can't wait to get this party started and you are all invited! 

      Hugs and Cupcakes, 


  1. Boo to the nay sayers! You, my darling, are an inspiration to so many of us! When I first started reading your blog, I was frightened by how much I could relate to you, and I loved it! You have such a gift and your passion for everything you love in your life is just remarkable! I look forward to following you on your new adventures!
    love ya! Xoxox

  2. Does Beth have a blog with 3,000+ fans? I think not.
